Nokia reiterates – No Android

There was a huge Q&A session held via twitter with Niklas Savander of Nokia recently, wherein he made no doubt obvious… he holds strong to Nokia refusing the Android platform, just as he has stated before. Here’s a bit of the Q&A:

@diogoney: why does Nokia refuse to use Android? It has the hype, good press and devs Nokia needs so bad!

@NiklasatNokia: our platform choices (symbian and meego) gives us the best opp to deliver value and of course qt will play key role

@MiklasatNokia: AMEN! RT @LessThanDoug Android in not the ans. We need Symbian to be cleaned up and given more power and better UI, now though

Looks like there’s no bones about it; Nokia is dead set on leaving Android off to the side in favor of existing platforms.



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