Left Mail.Ru agent 5.7: the search for video- collocutors, new games and the improved geological ranging

The new version of popular Russian Messenger Mail.Ru agent 5.7 separates in the contact- sheet of the users, which have Web- cameras. For those, who prefer to see collocutor during the contact, is realized the function of the search for people on the presence of Web- camera. Thus, now it is possible to begin acquaintance not only from the text correspondence, but also from [videozvonka].

Also in agent 5.7 appeared the new play “shop window”, in which were represented the most popular games of portal in the different categories: mini- game, large multi-user, play applications in the social network my [Mir]@Mail.Ru.

New geo-locating service into Mail.Ru agent 5.7 makes it possible to more accurately determine the location of man. If earlier for this was used only information about the IP- address (possibility to determine geography on the base stations of honeycomb connection and GPS it was possible only in the mobile devices), then are now considered also the data about the networks nearest to the user.

The users Of mail.Ru of agent 5.7 can see on the map, where now are located friends, to follow their displacements in the regime of real time (if in people is included on mobile Mail.Ru agent), to obtain notification with the appearance of a concrete person in the assigned radius (from 100 meters to 10 kilometers), to find new familiar in the region and so forth

Finally, the contact through the agent became even more convenient and emotionally brighter because of new [smaylam] and [multam]. Furthermore, for the first time Mail.Ru agent 5.7 is represented in six languages - Russian, English, Uzbek, Kazakh, Ukrainian and Turkish. But for increasing the safety of contact there was also realized the coding of traffic.

Mail.Ru agent - one of most popular [instant]- Messengers on the Russian market. Its monthly audience (without taking into account Web- agent) composes almost 16 million people. It includes not only functional for the exchange of instantaneous communications between the users of similar protocol, but also free SMS, “thin” post client, vocal and [videozvonki], the service of [mikroblogginga] (my integrated with the social network [Mir]@Mail.Ru and by [blogokhostingom] Of [blogi]@Mail.Ru), support ICQ, the possibility of simultaneous work with the unlimited number of [akkauntov] in all networks and so forth


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