Blog to your hearts content, right from your Android phone: Tumblr releases official Android app

This weekend, popular blogging site Tumblr has quietly released an official Tumblr application for the Android platform. For those who are unfamiliar with Tumblr, which admittedly included myself only 24 hours ago, Tumblr is a site that aims to make blogging as simple as possible, allowing users to post text, pictures, quotes, links, chats, audio, and videos to share with your blog followers. Tumblr has over 7,000,000 active subscribers, and over 5,000,000 blog posts posted today.

The Tumblr Android application provides users much of the same experience as posting on the standard web. Android users can now post pictures, links, quotes, audio, video and basically any other mobile content you can think of right to your Tumblr blog. Also, the official Tumblr app includes the dashboard, which contains all of your content (both posts and drafts of posts) as well as the content of any people you follow on the Tumblr service.

As I stated earlier in this post, I’ve only spent the last day or so testing out Tumblr, and so far I’m very impressed with both the web and Android service. If you haven’t used another blogging service and are interested in starting a blog, have a blog but are looking for a new host, or have a Tumblr blog already, I’d highly encourage you to give the Tumblr for Android client a try. Methinks you won’t be disappointed.

Tumblr is now available on the Android market, free of charge. The one catch is that you MUST have Android 2.1 or later to download. Fortunately, that should be most of you by now. As usual, let us know what you think of Tumblr in the comments.



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